Saturday, February 2, 2008

Punxsutawney Phil Sees His Shadow.....

And that means another six weeks of winter, and another beating for the Rhinos. The Rhinos drop to 0-4 for the indoor winter season at CIS in Ronkonoma, after suffering a 17-7 drubbing by Team Masters. The Masters were led by the scoring attack of senior teammate and defacto leader Frank Piccola. Frank capped off his multi-goal performance late in the match-up ,with a strong move from X finding the back of the net. Even though Team Masters were light on manpower, they were deep in experience and fortitude. Exhibiting patience and discipline on the offensive end of the field, they were also able to capitalize early and often on the Rhinos' miscues. Puxatawney Phil would have been proud because legend has it he is over 121 years old and that is about the average age of Team Masters. Until next time Happy Groundhog Day!

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